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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Airport Security

Find the symbol, read the label, and tell the cartoonist's point of view on airport security. Then share your position on this issue.


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  3. My opinion on airport security is they have to take these risks to protect the lives of inecent people. If that guy with the gun powder on the plane managed to blow up the plane dozens of peoeple would have died. If the airport security was better that guy never would have gotton on that plane in the first place. We have to do what we can to save the lives of these people who did nothing yet don't know they are on a plane with a terrorist and could possibly die. Think of it this way if you were on the plane that guy with gun poder was on how would you fell about the security. You would have almost died because of thier slip up. You have to look at it through every one's eyes.

  4. I believe that the cartoonist feels that airport security has gone too far. He most likley feels that it is invasive to one's privacy and that it is against the basic rights of us as human beings. I understand why one might think that, but I am surprisingly okay with the advancement airport security. I believe that they are just trying to make traveling by air as safe as possible for us. I do not think that the extent of detail shown with these new scanners is invasive. From what I've seen, it just looks like a CGI figure of a human being, and I think every person knows what the basic figure of a human is.

  5. I have found two symbols in this cartoon. One is Cupid, who symbolizes love,and the other is the star on the man's shirt, which symbolizes that he is an officer. The cartoonist's view on airport security is that security officers are not able to distinguish between someone that is posing a threat and someone who is not. My personal opinion is that airport security does nothing but make us safer and I have no problem with their methods because they help to make our country safer.

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  7. I believe that Cupid poses as any old person. This person is not a threat to anybody because he is the god of love. The man who was speaking to Cupid was airport security. This shows that the airports are going over board on checking everybody for possible threats. I believe as long as the airports dont start giving X-rays and exposing us all to radiation sickness they are just doing all that they can to protect inocent lives. I do think, however, that if given a cavaty check or a pat down the person theat it is being given to should be able to chose the sex of the person giving to them as long as it is in reason.

  8. In this cartoon, Cupid is a symbol of an innocent person going through airport security, while the officer is a symbol of airport security. The author of this feels that airport secruity has gone too far, stopping those who are "surely innocent" and causing large lines in airports. However, it is a very important issue to keep people safe, especially on airplanes which carry many people who are all individuals who deserve to be safe. Looking at it through the view of the airports, anyone could carry a bomb, even someone who nobody would suspect to (exactly what terrorists may try to do). It is a priority to keep people safe, and this is the way to do it. It is just like a disease, we are competing with it to have better security (medicine) to prevent any diseases (people who pose a threat to humans) which are also trying to develop and harm us. Even though some think scans are becoming too invasive, it is within a reasonable measure, and safety is most definetly more important than privacy. It will be everyone who travels by airplane getting this scan, so make these choices: privacy or safety, (if you picked privacy, then) air travel, some other mode of transport, or cancel the trip altogether?

  9. Cupid is the symbol of an innocent person passing through security and the security gate starts going off. The Grard is airport security. I beleive the cartoonist is showing that the airport security are going after the wrong people. I also beleave this to be true. If the security buzzer goes off, why not just pull out the metal in your pockets, like a camera and pass through again. Also why did the airport/Government put those Expensive security systems in in this economy. It just was a useless addition. Not to mention that the electronic waves must be bad for your health. I do personaly think that airport security went a little to far.

  10. One symbol in this cartoon is cupid as an innocent person stopped by airport security. Another symbol is the officer who represents airport security. The cartoonist’s point of view on this airport is that airport security is too much and that they are stopping innocent looking people. I think that airport security is just trying to protect you. You never know who is a terrorist. I understand how the cartoonist is frustrated with the inconvenience that airport security can cause, but it is necessary for the safety of innocent people. They keep having to make new security measures because terrorist keep finding ways to get through it.

  11. I think that Cupid symbolizes the "every man" who travels frequently throughout airports. The cartoonist must think that airport security has gone too far when something as simple as a symbol of love cannot pass through without question. I honestly think that airport security is not being too invasive. Would you rather be safe or sorry? In this day and age, anyone can conceal just about anything, anywhere.

  12. I think that it says that someone as innocent as cupid is suspected to be a terrorist by security, which says that they have taken searches too far.
